Herd Mentality


Fake Brick Paneling - Not As Cool As I Had Hoped

March 2005 - First step was to get rid of the brick paneling and spend an entire weekend filling paneling nail holes. Luckily there was textured sheetrock underneath. A few new light fixtures brightened things up a little bit after a coat of paint.

April 2005 - At this point I had just finished remodeling both of the bathrooms in the house, so I threw the now famous "Can Opener" party. I couldn't figure out why so many people avoided the kitchen. Someone told me that when they went in there they felt trapped. Well, after that I felt trapped every time I walked in there. So that led to the removing of a few cabinets

Note the beautiful metal railing in the corner of the picture. It wasn't even anchored to the wall well. You could grab it and shake the heck out of it. Considering it was all that kept me (or my clumsy friends) from falling into the basement, I needed a different solution.


  • Hey, hey, hey, looking good!!! You are so handy, nice work.

    By Blogger KJ, at 6:24 PM  

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