Herd Mentality


Just because the Strang's showed off their's...

These pictures were taken when I moved into "that 70's house" four years ago. Yes, that is fake, red brick paneling that covered the majority of the walls in my kitchen and dining room.

Scary? Or Scary Romantic?

Too give you and idea, here's the fridge and stove on the way out. Very hot! Interesting enough, they all worked. Even the harvest gold dishwasher worked. You have not lived until you've owned a dishwasher from the "pre-quiet" era. It also gives you an idea of what the linoleum looked like and how yellow the countertops really were.


So, so, so busy

I've been caught in the project from hell lately and haven't had much time to write here. On the other hand, my fan base is pretty small. I can only manage like 59 friends on facebook...

My latest obsession is Flight of the Conchords. I seriously wish I had HBO for the simple reason I would've seen this earlier. I just picked up their new album. It rocks.